The Contenders: "Citizenfour"

By Hammer Museum (other events)

Tuesday, January 6 2015 7:30 PM 10:00 PM PDT

In early 2103, Oscar-nominated filmmaker and erstwhile Homeland Security watchlist designee, Laura Poitras was working on the third in a what was to be a trilogy on the ramifications of post-9/11 wars and policies when she received encrypted emails from an anonymous source identified only as "citizen four". What followed proved to be an unveiling of covert surveillance on a previously unimaginable scale, and a massive news story. The central protagonist was an American freelancer for the NSA named Edward Snowdon. Poitras first exposed his face to the world, through a short video statement released in tandem with initial articles by journalist Glenn Greenwald.  What was not exposed at that time was just how incredibly articulate and charismatic a figure Snowden is, nor the full scale of the real-life thriller that the release of the documents created. There is more tension in the eight days spent in a small hotel room in Hong Kong than in the sweeping arcs of most political thrillers in contemporary cinema today.  Essential viewing for anyone concerned with the implications of a "security-society" as well as lovers of great documentary filmmaking.


Program subject to change. 


We encourage ticketholders to arrive by 7PM.
Any unclaimed seats will be released at 7:15PM. 

Due to limited availability, tickets are non-refundable.

Convenient parking is available under the Museum. Rates are $3 for the first three hours with validation at the Welcome Desk, and $1.50 for each additional 15 minutes. There is a $3 flat rate after 6PM on weekdays, and all day on Saturdays and Sundays. Parking for visitors with disabilities is provided on levels P1 and P3.

Cash or check only.

Bicycles park free.

Hammer Museum

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